Track Shipments with LogiDirect
LogiDirect is our online transport order portal, fully integrated with LogiControl. This means that all transport bookings made by the customer are automatically stored in the carrier’s Order Processing system.
LogiDirect at Savikko
LogiDirect is a completely free web-based system for all of Savikko’s customers. The use of the system does not require a separate installation. The system, which works on all computers and mobile devices, transmits the most important information about the transport directly to the driver. Through it, you can also view the current status of the transport, including when the shipment has been planned, loaded, and unloaded. In addition, after delivery, the scanned CMR, possible complaints, and pictures are also shown to the customer when ordering. LogiDirect is a very easy-to-use system, the implementation training of which takes only 30 minutes and takes place, for example, via Teams.
LogiDirect includes
- Customer transport order input
- Order tracking, Track & Trace
- Order history and document management
- Possibility to check and print digitally receipted or scanned waybills (POD)
- Our ERP system can also be integrated with other systems per customer wishes
Frequently Asked About LogiDirect
What is the cost of LogiDirect for the customers?
As a rule, LogiDirect costs are included in the contract and the agreed freight price.
How can I use LogiDirect?
Our LogiDirect representative will teach and familiarise our customer with LD in an orientation session of about half an hour, via Teams, for example. Our representative is happy to answer and help if problems or difficulties arise.
Benefits of LogiDirect
Place transport orders
Customers can place transport orders at a time that suits them and print waybills online.
The carrier automatically receives the order in LogiControl. The risk of errors that can occur when manually entering data into several different systems is minimised.
fluent communication
Customers have access to Track & Trace, which reduces the workload for both parties as customers can track the status of their orders in real time. Communication speeds up, freeing up time for other tasks.